Friday, September 6, 2013

Touchdown in Kasese

Yesterday, Enoch talked to us about Uganda. He covered topics that included history, economics, climate, kingdoms, and much more. We were able to learn much about the Ugandan cultures. Afterward, we went to the Namugongo Martyr Memorial. This is where many Uganda Catholics who worked for the Buganda king (Kabaka) were killed because of their religion. We also went to another Memorial for both Anglican and Catholics. We then went to the National Theater Craft Market where they sell many local crafts. Emily (a girl who is also student teaching here) purchased a bag. She has great bar-gaining skills.


A local friend that I have here in Uganda later came by took us around town in his car. I really wanted the other girls to be able to experience other parts of Kampala than from what they have seen so far. We went to the balcony of a building close to the Old Taxi Park. It shows how locals transport themselves and also the congestion of people and vehicles in Kampala. We then moved to a restaurant called High Table where we had local eats.

Today we left Kampala for Kasese. We set off quite early leaving the Makerere Guest House at 8:00 AM. The drive took about 6 hours. The drive was very scenic and beautiful. The vegetation is quite different in that the trees are extremely tall and there were pine trees (what the). We also passed some tea estates where they grow Ugandan tea. On the way, we were fortunate enough to come across some baboons on the road. We pulled over on the side of the road to have a closer look. Fortunately, none of the baboons took our silver shiny things.

We arrived in Fort Portal at about noonish. We stopped at this restaurant where we were able to munch on some delicious pizza. After having lunch, we headed off for Kasese. We finally arrived to our humble abode that we will be residing in for the next two months. It's quite cozy and homey.

Emily and I decided to venture out and walked around the streets of Kasese to gauge what will be our new home for the next two months. Tomorrow Samson will take us to go hiking and pub to take in the local environment and atmosphere.

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