Friday, November 1, 2013

I'll Come Back When You Call Me. No Need To Say Goodbye.

I can't believe that our time here in Kasese and at Rwentutu has come to an end. It feels as though we had just gotten here. It seems just like yesterday that were driving up to the school and were being introduced to the school and our students. It always felt to me that our time at Rwentutu was going to be endless when in reality, the time flew by too quickly.

My last day with my students consisted of making sure that we could spend as much of it together as possible while having fun. I started my day with a typical Morning Meeting before heading out and playing several new games with my students (one of the included "Salad California" combined with Emily's P4 class). My next period included a game of the Human Knot, which proved to be difficult at first but was doable near the end by splitting the class in half. The group I led showed me impressive communication skills with each other.
I proceeded the day by reading the students Oh, the Places You'll Go! and telling them that the reason I chose to read the book was that I believe in every single one of them. I know that they will go far in life and will have the ability to achieve their dreams, but just because times can get rough and difficult does not mean that they should not give up.  I truly believe that each one of them is special and have the ability to achieve and be successful. I will admit that I was getting a bit choked up during the reading because I knew my time with them was coming to an end. I knew that I had to part with my students, but I honestly believe that I will return to Uganda once again to see my students before they leave Rwentutu. I think they are so used to people coming, going, and leaving them. But I want them to know they have a special place in my heart and that I will not forget them.

Reading Oh, the Places You'll Go!
After lunch, the school assembled and held a farewell assembly for the four of us. The school choir started the program by singing farewell several songs. It was extremely emotional for all of us, as we each had some children participate in the choir and had to witness our students saying goodbye to us. After several songs, the four of us gave a little speech addressing the whole school. The guys from Freekicks came to the farewell party and thoughtfully and kindly bought a little cake for us, which the whole teaching staff cut together. After the cake cutting, the student choir sang several more songs before ending with a song in which they came down the line and shook our hands which soon turned into hugging. Soon, other students got up from the crowd and came down the line to bid us farewell. It was definitely emotional when one of my kids would come to me. I would embrace them and not want to let go. Afterward, we returned to our classroom and did one last final farewell. The feeling of having to leave the school and the children was tormenting, but to see the children's emotions upon leaving made me realize how much I connected with these students and how much the students connected with me.

School Choir
Teaching staff cutting the cake

The students coming down the line to say good-bye

Last group picture with my class

My cooperating teachers, Merence and Jocknus

P1 and P2 teacher, Pamela
I'm so sad I have to leave my P3 students. I wish I could spend the whole semester with my class rather than leaving them half way through. I feel like I could do so much more with the students and the students could show me more if I had several more weeks with them. My students have taught me so much while I've been here. I've learned how to be mindful of the abilities in my class, how to plan to make the lesson culturally relevant, how to scaffold my instruction so that the students understand, and how to make sure that students are enjoying themselves while still learning. They've not only given me a new outlook on teaching and education, but life in general as well. Some of my students don't have shoes to come to school in, have to walk 2 hours to reach school, get malaria and are out for a week, or can't afford school fees. But no matter the hardships and struggles these children face, they are still grateful, appreciative, and happy for what they do have. They enjoy life and they love being at school. They make the most of their situation and I feel as though I have learned more from my students than they have learned from me. It's hard when you have to leave a group of people that you have emotionally invested yourself in. Each one of my students are unique and beautiful in their respective ways, and I've grown to learn about and care for each one of them. I strongly believe in each and every one of them, and I do believe that they will be able to do whatever it is they want in their future and will accomplish great things.

MJ's crays

Bukyayi, Rwentutu. Bukyayi, Uganda. But definitely not for long...

Saturday, October 26, 2013

Football. Oh, you mean soccer.

Every Friday the school has a social development event in the afternoon in which all the students participate. Themes for social development have included sports, academic, and health/sanitation. Last Friday, the social development was a game of soccer between the staff and the students. The teachers were able to convince me to play for their team. Heather and Emily also willingly joined the teachers' squad. The students obviously pulled the best of the best out of their population and they looked tough. Heather and I both played defense and I had absolutely no idea what I was doing because I hadn't played soccer since 7th grade. My playing mainly consisted of chasing people, running into people, screaming, and maybe a little smack talk for intimidation. I kicked the ball probably one time and ran into someone who had the ball which deflected it so it didn't go in the goal. I only had it in me to play one half. But let me tell you, when Heather and I were playing, those kids did not score on us once. Come the second half and the students scored on the teachers twice! So ultimately the students won the game 2-0. It was a lot of fun to play and it was so cool to see the teachers in a different light. They were all in their soccer gear and playing with the students and letting loose. It was great to see all the kids come together to root for their classmates.

The Staff and Student Teams

Baby Evans and Teacher Ziporah
Speaking of soccer, on Sunday a group of Canadians from a non-profit organization called Freekicks came to Kasese. They focus on bringing the necessary soccer equipment and infrastructure to different communities and using the game as a way to connect and unite people. This past week, they have had coaching sessions with the Rwentutu soccer team as well as four neighboring schools in hopes of having a soccer tournament later in the week. They were also able to create collapsible and portable goal posts for the school.
On Friday, Freekicks was able to hold the soccer tournament. Students from other schools were there supporting their team. Parents and other community members were also present. Rwentutu played in the first game and was able to win it. It was really fun to see all the children get so excited for their teams and it was amazing to see the kids on the team excel and represent their school. Rwentutu was able to proceed into the finals against a fairly strong team. It was an intense game and Rwentutu had many amazing shots on goal but the opposing goalie was too strong. In the end, Rwentutu came in second place, which was actually really impressive. For coming in second place, Rwentutu received a new soccer ball on the school's behalf.
Students with signs to cheer on Rwentutu

Balloons for the celebration

Penalty Kick Shoot Out

Rwentutu WINS!!!

Freekicks handing out awards at the end of the tournament

In these past two instances, it was really great to be able to see how such a sport can bring people together. I'm not very knowledgeable on soccer since it's not as widespread throughout the US as it is around the world so it was interesting to see the popularity and power that soccer has on the people here. However, the spirit of competition, victory, defeat, and unity are universal no matter what sport you play and they were definitely felt and present during the soccer matches held at Rwentutu.

Thursday, October 24, 2013


Recently, I've finished up my measuring unit with my kids and have moved on to money. I really wanted to make money more relevant to these kids because while they will use measuring at some point in their life, I think some of the kids had a difficult time making a personal connection with measuring lengths in their everyday life. Now, while most of these students struggle financially whether it be for their inability to pay school fees or to buy clothes, they are still exposed to money in multiple facets of their lives.

I started the whole unit by having students talk with a partner about how or when they have used money in their life. From the beginning, students will have already created a personal connection with the unit and will then be more interested and invested in learning. We compiled a class list which included going to the market, buying goods, transport, paying school fees, purchasing uniforms or school supplies, etc. The students were able to create a pretty long list of when they've used money and each instance appeared to be relevant to each student in the class.
The list of when students have used money

Since then, students have practiced how to add and subtract Ugandan shillings (the local currency). I made a large set of Ugandan shillings that I could use with the class. I would put various amounts using both coins and notes up on the board and students would then have to add or subtract the given amount using individual slates. This helped me to assess which students were able to identify and do the math correctly when dealing with shillings. Heather had done a money unit right when we arrived and she had already created little partner shilling sets. She gave them to me to use and they came in very handy especially for the visual learners. Students were also required to come up with various ways to get to a certain shilling amount. For example, if the amount was 300 shillings, they could say 100 sh. + 200 sh. or 100sh. + 100 sh. + 100 sh. By using the small shilling sets, students could visualize the money and find various combinations of money that could help them get to the desired amount. Students worked on word problems in contexts that were also relevant to their lives.

Using coins to make various combinations.

We also did various games and lesson introduction activities. Students would line up in two lines and I would say a shilling amount. Depending on whether we were working on addition or subtraction, students would either gather or remove the correct shilling amount before the students in the other line. I also read about an activity called “I Have... Who Has...” In this instance, one student starts and says what shilling amount they have that is written at the bottom. The other cards then have shilling amounts under the “I have” statement. However, the shilling amount under the “I have” statement is an image of shillings. Students would have to identify their amount correctly if they are to keep the game going.

Racing to see who can make the monetary amount first.

I also had students do some group work in this unit. I wrote out a price list of various items students would find in the market. Each group received word problems involving addition or subtraction of money. Students had to decide amongst each other what sort of math would be involved and then took turns writing while the others helped in doing the math. Each student would then have to write their name next to the problem in which they contributed. This helped me to get all of the students involved rather than having one or two students dominate the activity.

I also set up a "class store." I brought in actual containers or bags that the food found in local grocery stores are kept in. I put price tags on the items that reflected their true amounts. Students were given word problems that involved adding, subtracting, and multiplying the various prices to find out how much something costs or how much change they would receive. My intention was for students to be active in this lesson by getting up to find the prices on the items as though they are in an actual store. Students were also required to work with their partners in terms of finding prices and doing the math. Other questions students were be required to answer will included finding several different ways to pay for various items. Students were also given a shilling amount and had to decide what they could buy in the store for that particular amount of shillings.

A class store activity

If I have more time, I want to do some sort of activity that actually involves an exchange of money whether it's acting out story problems or going to the school canteen. I think having that actual physical exchange will help students to grasp the concept of money better.

So far students seemed to be very receptive to every math activity I give to them. I think the fact that the subject is relevant in their lives and that students are able to connect with it helps students to be more engaged in learning about money.

Sunday, October 20, 2013

Beauties and Beasts

The past two weekends, we were fortunate enough to explore the Ugandan wildlife.

The first of these weekends was spent on a safari at Queen Elizabeth National Park and a boat ride on the Kazinga Channel. Our guide, John, came and picked us up at 6:00 AM. The animals were amazing and the scenery was breathtaking. Our game drive was a total of four hours long. We had a car where the top of the car opened and we were able to stand up and stick our heads out. We were able to see animals that included water bucks, cobs, lions, and buffalo.

Entering Queen Elizabeth National Park

A kob

Hanging with our guide, Bosco John.

Uganda's national bird, Crested Crane.
After our game drive, w went to the Mweya Safari Lodge that is right on the Kazinga Channel. It was a beautiful lodge with fantastic views over the park and the channel. Then, we had a lunch break before we set out for our boat tour. Our boat tour was about 2 hours long and was on the Kazinga Channel. We saw many species of birds as well as crocodiles and hippos.

In front of the Kazinga Channel

Passing a fishing village in Queen Elizabeth Park.

Our boat driver, Benedict.
After our boat tour, we were driving down the trail to head home. On our drive back, Heather thought that she had seen something in the bush so we drove back. Sure enough she had spotted a leopard, which is one of the rarest animals to see in the park since they are solitary and there are only about 50 of them in the whole park. It stayed in its spot for a good while before other safari goers pulled up in their vehicles and scared the leopard away. A little ways after seeing the elephant, we spotted an elephant behind some trees and bushes. Then we saw another. Then another and a baby! One final elephant trailed behind, trumpeted, and started to charge us! The safari was definitely a successful experience.

Spotted a rare leopard!

The first of the herd we saw before they charged us!
The following weekend we went chimp tracking in a forest in Bushenyi district. Our safari guide, John, also organized the event and drove us to the location. We went into the forest with our guide, Deborah. We walked a little ways and were notified that a tracker was already in the forest since early in the morning looking for chimps. The forest was quite dense, but breathtakingly beautiful. We met up with our tracker who looks like he's been tracking chimps for ages. We walked around for hours, tracking the chimps. We kept hearing their calls but couldn't find them. Finally, we spotted a couple of them walking on the ground from afar. But they quickly disappeared. We had to go off the trail to catch up with the apes and our tracker would use his machete to cut down trees and branches that were in our way. We were able to spot a couple more through the dense greenery but not ever a really good look at them. Finally, we got to a very small clearing with high trees that had vines. Sitting in the three different trees were chimps that had just killed a monkey and were feeding. They stayed up in the trees for awhile before quickly swinging down and running off. Right after, we saw a female chimp in the tree behind us with some meat in her mouth making her way down before disappearing. It was really amazing to get close to the chimps in their natural habitat.

Getting ready to chimp track

A chimp!

At the end with our guides.